Saturday, May 3, 2008


Well, I am certainly am rookie at this blogging! Before today, I was just simply a blog "lurker" , meaning of course that I just looked at other folks blogs, laughed at the everyday things they would post. So . . . . a "lurker" no more!
These pictures were taken at Easter. We will have to get Leeland and Morgan to add a post and get us some more updated photos of them. We are excited about Laura's graduation coming up this weekend. Two down and one to go! I think there will be a raise about September! WooHoo!

Okay, Mike and I have done our part. It's time for the rest of the extended family to join in. Catch us up to date, post a smile. If you don't I will be forced to show you a picture of my new cell phone (which IS extremely cute, by the way)!


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